Nollywood actress Uche Ogbodo took to her Instagram page of how she worked hard to get to where she is today. According to her there where countless times she got paid 500 naira for roles she 

played in movies and also a lot of times she never even got paid, how her father got fed up and urged her to go back to school but she kept been persistent and now she has gone this far. 

Read what she wrote.
"Today, With all the Negative Things going On In this Our beautiful World, e.g. #nigeriaeconomy#hurricaneharvey etc ., I choose to Give Somebody Somewhere HOPE! I will share this story 
with you because I know you need to hear it, A Story behind the Hustle that Many of Us would dare not share. The journey to success and fame is a Very long road, There  
is nothing like Over night Success. Sometimes many people are not prepared enough mentally before embarking on this path to achieve their dreams and after so many Ups & Downs, disappointments , they give UP on their dreams,forgetting that the aftermath of Success is the 
footprints 👣 you leave for those people who idolize you as their Role Models. On a Daily , I received countless comments on my feeds , emails and DMs from FANS telling me how much I inspire them and how they want to grow up to be like me someday and this sometimes breaks Me and make me Cry tears of joy, because I too ,almost gave up on 
this Dream a lot of times in the past! Those days in the past when I would turn up for auditions at Naiko hotels & MacDavos hotels as Far back as 2007 in Enugu and end up with just Party Scene roles , 😩😩😩 I also would always remember being paid #500 naira a countless times & even not being paid in so many jobs as well , Even when 
my Father got fed up with the whole system and asked me to Quit & go back to school because he didn't see any hope of me making it ! But I was PERSISTENT and Kept 
BELIEVING! Now , Many Years Fast-forward, many people think I did it without Blinking! Take A look At What HARD-WORK , PERSISTENCE & PERSEVERANCE can do, FAME & SUCCESS Came , broke barriers beyond 
Limit for Me.😁 So To "YOU" Out there, trying to live your dreams and become Somebody In Life , don't stop believing that "YOU " Can ! No matter What people Say , Never 
Give Up, Keep Pushing, and Success will embrace You Tomorrow, then you too can be called Over Night Success , hahahaha. So see you at the other Side 💪🙏 Yours Sincerely UCHE .O #Stronggirlgettingit #goddess#Successiskey #Somethingbigiscoming"

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