cloud computing

Basically what is cloud computing? Computers stored on a cloud in the sky? Computers that form the shape of a cloud?

Or computers that act as though they where clouds? Hmm naah ignore the name. Simply cloud computing is the process where by people or organisations store their resources (files, videos, pictures, documents) etc on remote computers located elsewhere in the world.

These computers can be located as far as America or Europe or even close by in your own country. What happens is that individuals rent space on these remote computers which are most popularly called servers in places called data centres.

Now a data centre is simply a collection of servers or as you can put it computers. After necessary payment has been made, you can now access what ever server allocated to you and start uploading your files to that remote location.

Most often than not, a unique identity is giving to your server so you can easily access it. That identity is called an ip address.

An ip address is what makes it possible for you to be able to locate a server allocated to you and send the necessary commands needed to upload your files to that server. Once your files are uploaded, you can then access those files using the same route of triggering your ip address to locate the server. That is called routing.

It's basically you taking a route mostly the fastest possible one to your server's location. These data centers help give you an administration dashboard where you can manage your resources there. You might wonder why should I store my data elsewhere when I can store it on my computer.

Well one major reason why a lot of companies are opting for cloud computing is for data security and backup. Imagine something happens to your local computer and all the resources are destroyed, that would be disastrous for your organisation.

But with cloud computing it ensures you have a backed up remote data somewhere. It also helps to enable easy file sharing. Individuals who have permission to access your data can easily do so with out having to come meet you or sticking a drive to your system etc.

The world is moving at a fast pace, and it would be no surprise that in recent years, people won't have to store things on their phones anymore but just save it on a remote location. Two major players already utilising this are Google and Apple.

Have you ever wondered how your new phone can get your pictures once you log into your Gmail account? Well that's cloud computing in power. As we draw nearer to the Internet of things days, cloud computing will most likely be a necessity.

future of cloud computing

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