Time Travel, Myth or Reality

We have all heard about time travel and how certain theories of people who appeared to be more futuristic were spotted on pictures dating back a long time ago. These theories don't just exist because of people's assumptions, but largely do because of how keen certain scientist have been on the issue.

Scientist such as Stephen Hawking strongly believed in this concept. According to him, it might in the future. But how possible is time travel. Time travel can be defined as the travel through the future or past. It is believed that time travel already happens as astronauts living on the International Space Station are moving faster than the people on Earth.

This means that astronauts age slightly slower in space than they would back home. One example of a time traveler was cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, who arrived back on Earth in September 2015 after breaking the record for the longest stay in space at 879 days. "When Mr. Padalka came back from his adventures, he found the Earth to be 1/44th of a second to the future of where he expected it to be," wrote Princeton physicist J. Richard Gott in his book titled Time Travel in Einstein's Universe.

"He literally traveled...into the future," Gott wrote. But does this really count as time travel as it is made to be believed by a lot of movies we watch? If that counts as time travel, then is it safe to say that people on different time zones travel through time? For example a man in Nigeria is in the future compared to a man in the USA? I beg to disagree if the answer would be yes.

Meanwhile, a supposed real time machine has also already been built which teleports protons to the future by just a fraction of a second. In other words, these protons are being transported by the speed of light, but does this really count as time travel, is it safe to say that when Usain Bolt runs, he is slightly ahead in the future than us?

Time travel real or fiction

Again I beg to differ well scientist would have to make a vessel than can travel at the speed of light before time travel can be tested on humans but that seems not to happen anytime soon. According to Tech Times, there is still an immerse gap between the concept of time travel and ms king it real As for me, I doubt in the possibility of time travel, I doubt one can go into the future and stop a car seconds before it hits someone, or predict a goal before it happens.

Why? Well even if people manage to travel at the speed of light, it doesn't mean the world or a scenario will travel with you, only you makes the travel. The rest of the world will still move at its pace. What I believe is possible is that people can go back to certain past memories and view them as they were with out having the power to alter anything.

In other words only the mind can travel back in time and not the physical body, but unless the whole concept about time travel would be moving at the speed of light, which only makes you incredibly fast, fast enough to miss certain events from happening rather than altering them from happening. Thanks

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