Swintec computer institute is a computer and international exam training school located in Imo state, Owerri. Let me compile a short experience about my thoughts of the infamous Swintec and why i

decide to write this article. On searching online on a sunny afternoon looking for the best training schools that Owerri could offer i stumbled upon Swintec computer institute, i knew Owerri was not the best place for me to run a course but i just had to do something with my spare time as i searched,

basing my judgement on how well and nicely organised a training schools website should be i got captivated by theirs. It was nicely done and showed a level of professionalism so i decided that this

just has to be the one for me so i went along with it, did the necessary things and began my training. As the course went on i seamed to observed that this place had nothing much really to offer as

compared to the long list of courses they claim to offer right from the onset Swintec was all about the money but i took no hind to this observation because you know what an average Nigerian would say

about an Igbo man and his love for money so i kept my resent and complied. Lackadaisical attitude of some of its staff is alarming and the kind of relationship they keep with their students especially

female students who are mostly secondary pupils causes one to raise an eyebrow. I mean during my stay i heard a staff telling a female student who did not seem like she was through with secondary

school education that he will take her to cloud 9; what an improper word to use especially when a guest such as myself was present. I later heard things like come see me at my place or a female staff encouraging and hitherto receiving a kiss on the cheek from a teenage male student who is in the

stage of adolescent and excessive hormonal charge at his just accomplished adolescent age. What baffled me was their careless attitude, having no regard of who could be watching or listening i know

Owerri is termed the "the sin city" but this was going to far and parents should be careful who they entrust their wards with because all that glitters might not be gold. And then to crown it all up they opt for a course they are not fit to handle with the little staff power they have they gather numerous

courses they can't teach and then rely on facilitators who won't be there all the time to handle the course then what happens, you end up paying for a course that was barely taught only the surface

was scratched. I see these guys as extortionist before payment they do all means to get their money regardless of how much you have put in, and once that is done they forget ever having an

arrangement with you and the rest is by gone and be gone. It leaves me to conclude that Swintec computer institute is nothing but a Fraud!.  

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